Friday, July 10, 2009

Thank You Ginch Gonch!

There are some kind of wonderful psychic women using their powers for good up in Montreal.

Ginch Gonch's head of Schmoozing and Carousing (Media Coordinator), Rebecca, and her partner in crime, Cristina, not only graciously added my blog to the Ginch Gonch Blogroll but they also sent me two pairs of underwear!

And clearly they have psychic ability because one of the pairs they sent, the Marvelous Meow, is a pair I had my eye on for a long time. The brief features a fun jungle print and one sassy black panther!

They also included a brief from their Load'n and Dump'n collection called the Engineered Big Rig, which is also totally adorable.

I would like to say that the photos here are of me, but alas my workouts haven't taken that kind of effect just yet.

So thank you, ladies! I promise to drop trou all over town so that everyone in New York City will see and appreciate the delight you've brought me. I'll let you know if bail needs to be posted.

Long live Ginch Gonch!

1 comment:

  1. Hahaha you are so funny!

    I bet you would never need a bail. Well, a wink would do it.
